Continue to wear masks and eye protection per PPE guidelines

How intermountain is preparing

Caregivers in patient- and visitor-facing areas should continue to wear masks and eye protection. While areas are opening and meeting guidelines have changed, PPE guidelines remain the same. Masking is expected when you’re in any Intermountain facility.

If you’re following the newly updated meeting guidelines and have a small group of fully vaccinated individuals, masks may be removed in the room. Please close the door and follow social distancing recommendations. After the meeting, participants should put their masks back on when leaving the room, and masks should be worn in hallways. Even if you’ve received both doses of a COVID-19 vaccine, continue to follow Intermountain’s existing PPE guidelines.

Caregivers working in patient-facing areas or with visitors should continue to wear eye protection. Face shields are still the best practice and provide the needed eye protection. They provide coverage for your mask and help to decrease the number of times you touch your face. If you’ve lost your face shield or it has become unusable, order a new one and continue to protect yourself and your mask.

Patient and visitor masking is still needed. As you interact with patients or go into patient rooms, they should continue to wear masks as well.

Caregivers and community members are encouraged to be vaccinated. As the rate of caregiver vaccinations increases and daily COVID-19 case counts decrease, Infection Prevention, Employee Health, and other clinical leaders are continually assessing how to keep caregivers and patients safe.

Look for a flyer and poster available through the Print Center to order to help caregivers remember guidelines to stay safe.

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