New CDC guidance on masking reflects the progress made in combating the virus


Last Thursday the CDC released interim public health recommendations for people fully vaccinated for COVID-19. The new recommendations, based on findings from multiple new studies from around the globe, state, “Fully vaccinated people no longer need to wear a mask or physically distance in any setting, except where required by federal, state, local, tribal, or territorial laws, rules, and regulations, including local business and workplace guidance.”

The CDC continues to recommend all travelers, including those who are vaccinated, wear a mask on all forms of public transportation and in healthcare settings. Vaccinated individuals must continue to abide by existing state and local laws and regulations and follow local rules for businesses and workplaces.

Eddie Stenehjem, MD, senior medical director medical specialties, says it’s important to remember that the new CDC guidance does not change our policies at Intermountain Healthcare facilities. Intermountain will continue our current rules and guidance concerning masking in our facilities and appropriate use of PPE by our caregivers and patients.

Kristin Dascomb, MD, Intermountain’s medical director of infection prevention, says, “The CDC’s latest recommendation comes from more long-standing findings and even stronger validation of the COVID-19 vaccine efficacy.”

Additional reminders from Dr. Stenehjem regarding the new CDC guidelines:

  • These changes reflect the progress we’ve made in combating the virus. These changes also herald a hopeful end to the pandemic; however, we’ve not reached the finish line.
  • The advantages benefitting fully vaccinated individuals through these recommendations serve as another reason to encourage vaccination or get vaccinated yourself.
  • Even fully vaccinated individuals will continue to cover their faces and physically distance in clinics, hospitals, or long-term care facilities.
  • When traveling on public transit—bus, plane, train, or other method—or in transit hubs such as airports and bus stations, everyone still needs to mask, including vaccinated individuals.

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