Review April's progress toward achieving Intermountain's key performance indicators (KPIs)

April KPI BN

Here’s our progress on achieving Intermountain’s 11 Board-reported key performance indicators (KPIs), which is part of the caregiver incentive plan. Our progress reflects the work you and other caregivers do every day to achieve team and department goals that drive our KPIs. The 2021 Intermountain Monthly Performance dashboard for April illustrates an overall achievement score of 96%.

Some highlights from April’s performance dashboard:

  • Our overall performance score for April 2021 is higher than April 2020’s score, which was 81%.
  • Caregiver equity: June is Pride Month. Intermountain is continuing our partnership with the Utah Pride Center and celebrating our LGBTQ+ caregivers, patients, members, and community. June 19 also marks Juneteenth, the oldest nationally celebrated commemoration of the ending of slavery in the United States. Watch the Caregiver Brief to learn how you can get involved in activities at your facility.
  • Caregiver engagement: Recent pulse surveys found 50% of Intermountain’s team index 3 teams—those identified with low engagement with the 2020 Caregiver Experience Survey—moved to the team 1 or 2 index category. The caregiver engagement KPI is now at target. What ideas do you have to increase your team’s engagement?
  • Patient safety: In April, we continued to see a decrease in our patient safety errors across the system and reached our target goal. Continue to practice Zero Harm error prevention methods.

You’re encouraged to review the dashboard with your leader. It’s also available in Spanish. There are resources on the Caregiver Incentive Plan webpage to help you understand the KPI definitions, targets, scoring, and how work is aligned to the system’s overall performance.


Tawna Ivey, Alta View Hospital imaging manager, says creating ownership of the caregiver incentive plan begins with understanding how your actions can make a difference.


“Every month, I post the performance dashboard on the huddle board when it’s released. We discuss KPIs and goals in weekly huddles, and goal progress is shared daily in huddle notes,” says Tawna. “I discuss how caregivers’ contributions on a department level impacts our organization’s KPIs. The visual dashboards incentivize them to stay focused and on track to accomplish department goals.”


One of the Alta View imaging team’s goals is the Likelihood to Recommend score. They discuss comments from the Press Ganey patient surveys individually and as a group and review weekly automatic reports that focus on comments and key drivers that impact the goal. The team also focuses on excess expenses like supplies, called-off hours, and overtime, and to better understand how those can impact goals and KPIs, too.


“The caregiver incentive plan has increased the personal ownership of department goals for my team; they understand how their actions can make a difference,” says Tawna. “If you’d like to learn more about how you can personally impact team and department goals, and how it helps the organization, talk with your leader and ask questions. We’re here to support you.”


A few reminders about the caregiver incentive plan:

  • Unless you’re a leader, you don’t have to enter and track individual goals in Workday. Use your team and department huddle board to track progress of goals and KPIs. We’ll update you monthly on how the organization is progressing.
  • Achieving Intermountain’s KPIs is a collective effort. We each play an important role in Intermountain’s success because what you do everyday matters. The collective work of caregivers on individual, unit, team, and department levels to influence their own KPIs and goals directly influences Board-reported KPI outcomes.
  • The first caregiver incentive plan payment will happen in April 2022. To be eligible for the payment, you must be hired before October 1 of 2021, work at least 100 hours by year-end, and be employed on the date of the payout in April 2022.

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