Join a CARE session to learn how to manage your stress

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Intermountain’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP) continues to host CARE sessions, virtual drop-in stress relief meetings to reinforce strategies to stay well and build resilience—especially during tumultuous times. CARE stands for Compassion Awareness Resilience Education.

Here’s how to participate in a CARE session:

  • You can virtually join a scheduled session as needed—no registration is required.
  • Sessions are only 15-minutes—designed to fit your busy schedule.
  • Each CARE session is designed to provide practical, self-care skills and tips that can be utilized at work or at home
  • There's no set content schedule. Topics range from stress management and mindfulness to breathing and relaxation, empathy, and self-compassion.
  • Sessions are confidential, voluntary, and open to all caregivers.

To join a session of your choice, click on the link below during the scheduled time. You'll be taken straight to the WebEx meeting. You can also learn more about the program or join a session from the CARE session webpage.