Returning from a medical leave? Complete the return-to-work form

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If you’re returning from a leave of absence (LOA) for a medical condition, you must provide a signed release-to-work note from your provider. This note can either be Intermountain’s Release to Return to Work form or a note on your provider’s letterhead with the appropriate information.

If your provider gives you a work release note, it should include:

  • The date you’re released to return to work. 
  • Work restrictions and the estimated duration the restrictions will be in place. 
  • Physical restrictions (e.g. lifting, standing/sitting, etc.).
  • Time-related restrictions (e.g. reduced schedule, additional breaks, appointments, etc.).  

The completed release should be submitted in Workday, and it will be routed to the LOA team and your leader for processing. You should also bring a copy of the release when you return to work. Once a release is received by the LOA team, leaders will receive an email about their caregiver’s status: release to work with no restrictions or release to work with restrictions.

Contact Ask HR at 802-442-7547 or to learn more.

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