Appropriate inpatients to receive COVID-19 vaccine upon discharge

COVID discharge vaccine shot sized for Caregiver News

Beginning Wednesday, September 1, inpatients who meet certain criteria will be offered the COVID-19 vaccine, in addition to the influenza vaccine, on admission and receive vaccination before discharge. The process for receiving and ordering the vaccine is the same as that used for flu and other vaccinations. Training is available on the iCentra Wiki.

An order for the vaccine will automatically generate in iCentra if the patient expresses their interest, and if there are no contraindications as outlined in the protocol. If a physician or APP knows of a contraindication or concern for a particular patient, they’ll need to write an order not to administer the vaccine. If the patient elects to have both the flu and COVID-19 vaccinations, they should be administered in separate arms.

Which patients qualify? Inpatients at all facilities who are 12 years or older qualify to receive the vaccine, except for most surgical patients because symptoms of post-op infections may be confused with post-vaccination symptoms. C-section mothers do qualify for the COVID-19 vaccine.

Patients at TOSH and Primary Children’s Wasatch Canyons Behavioral Health won’t be offered the COVID-19 vaccine.

If you have questions about inpatient vaccinations, please contact:

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