Safety reminder: Use ARCC when communicating in stressful situations

ARCC reminder BN

Every day, caregivers in U.S. hospitals may be dealing with patients in distress being assessed by care teams and hectic situations where they’re trying to find solutions. Caregivers may have different approaches to treatment and could be communicating ineffectively or having difficulty reaching a decision on next steps. In these moments of stress and confusion, mistakes can be made. It helps to take a deep breath and have a questioning attitude.

What should you remember during stressful situations when you suspect something harmful is about to occur? Escalate your concerns using ARCC.

 “Our physical bodies respond to stressful, unexpected situations with a surge of adrenaline,” says Julie Wright, RN, clinical risk management director. “In these situations, fall back onto your error prevention training. It will help you focus.”

  • If a course of action is about to be pursued and you have concerns, use ARCC, especially in situations that could compromise the safety of you or your patient.
  • In a non-aggressive way, ASK a question regarding your concern. Did it draw their attention to the problem? If not, don’t hesitate to REQUEST a change and share why.
  • If the request didn’t change their thinking, use the safety phrase, “I HAVE A CONCERN.”
  • When necessary, use the chain of command, which can:
    • Help confirm guidelines, processes, and policies.
    • Assist and support you in continuing to advocate for yourself and your patient.
    • Discern the immediate safety needs of the patient.

For more information about how to use ARCC, along with the other error prevention techniques, visit the Error Prevention website. You can also discuss these techniques in your team huddles.

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