A peaceful sunrise and compassionate caregivers comfort a frightened dying woman

Austin Smith BN
Austin Smith, MD, at Heber Valley Hospital

A patient suffering from severe abdominal pain arrived at the Heber Valley Hospital emergency department one evening recently. She was in agony, and a review of her medical history showed her situation was terminal.

Audra and Mardee

Mardee Jones, RN (left)
and Audra Post, RN (right)

Austin Smith, MD, had the difficult task of explaining to the patient that death was imminent and would likely occur with little warning. While speaking with her about the diagnosis, Dr. Smith learned her biggest fear was dying alone. Her nearest family member was traveling to be with her but was more than 10 hours away.

The patient was fortunate to have two incredible nurses as part of her care team. Audra Post, RN, and Mardee Jones, RN, made the time to sit and listen to this patient while she waited for her family to arrive. Audra stayed by her bedside, making sure her pain was managed, and the patient commented on how comforting Audra was.

In the early morning hours, she asked Mardee if she could go outside and watch the sunrise. Mardee kindly escorted the patient outside and Dr. Smith joined them.


The sunrise that morning at Heber Valley

“It was one the most amazing experiences I’ve had as a physician,” Dr. Smith says. “We watched the sun rise over the mountains as she talked about her life and family—all with the soft sound of the sprinklers in the field as ambient noise.

“I’ve never been prouder of our staff,” Dr. Smith adds. “Mardee and Audra provided the most outstanding care for this patient. When I finally left my shift, the patient smiled and thanked everyone for her care.”

The patient’s son eventually arrived at the hospital, and she went home with him to spend her remaining days surrounded by family.

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