October's overall KPI achievement score is at 123%

Incentive BN

October’s Intermountain Monthly Performance dashboard is now available and illustrates an overall achievement score of 123% on Intermountain’s 11 Board-reported key performance indicators (KPIs). This is a 10% increase in system performance over last month, a 21% improvement over last year’s system performance at this time, and is 9% above our final achievement score for 2020.

“Huge efforts were made to deliver on our goals and improve our performance across every service area in October,” says Rob Allen, chief operating officer. “We’re performing at stretch on several KPIs—which means we’re above and beyond what we set as the attainable goal. This is a result of efforts made by you, your colleagues, and fellow teams. This is the purpose of the caregiver incentive plan: to work together as one to accomplish what matters to the organization, for our patients, communities, and caregivers alike.”

One of the teams who made great progress in October was the payer contracting team, who helps support the aligned membership KPI. This KPI tracks the number of people who are enrolled in a medical insurance plan that directs members to Intermountain’s services. Tracking the number of members helps ensure Intermountain is offering competitive options to the community and helping people live the healthiest lives possible. The payer contracting team is responsible for initiating, negotiating, and managing contracts between Intermountain and insurance payers who offer plans that include access to Intermountain hospitals, clinics, and providers for medical services.

“The payer contracting team, along with caregivers at SelectHealth, Castell, and Intermountain Nevada, has worked hard all year to secure new contracts and expand opportunities to insurance payers to offer plans that provide Intermountain services to the community,” says Mary Milliner, assistant vice president of payer contracting. “By negotiating competitive rates, supporting payers in their efforts to enroll new members, and developing new arrangements that allow patients to access Intermountain services, we’ve successfully reached—and exceeded—the aligned membership KPI.” 

What you do every day as an Intermountain caregiver can impact the aligned membership KPI.

“Whether you’re in a clinical or non-clinical role, you can influence this KPI every day by doing something small like sharing a smile with a patient, answering a phone call with a cheerful voice, ensuring our hospitals and clinics are clean and maintained, or providing care with expertise and clinical excellence,” Mary says. “The experience and quality of care we offer directly impacts the likelihood of expanding business with existing payers and securing contracts with new payers.”

Remember, the overall system KPI percentage attained at the end of the year will determine how much you receive as a caregiver incentive payment in spring 2022. If the caregiver incentive was paid out today based on current system performance at 123%, full-time caregivers would receive a $553.50 incentive, while part-time caregivers would receive a $276.75 incentive. For this payment, full-time is defined as those who average 30 hours or more a week and part-time is those who average less than 30 hours (29.99 hours or less) a week. The incentive will be paid out in spring 2022 and replaces the Thank You payment Intermountain used to give in November.

Questions about the caregiver incentive plan? Talk to your leader or contact Ask HR at 801-442-7547 or askhr@imail.org. También puede revisar el tablero en español.

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