Reminder: Even if you received your vaccine from Intermountain, you must give consent to meet the COVID-19 vaccine requirement

how to prove youre vaccinated against covid 19

Many caregivers have asked about the consent process for the COVID-19 vaccine requirement and whether they need to participate. To determine if you need to provide consent, ask yourself these three questions:

  • Did you receive your COVID-19 vaccine from a caregiver vaccine clinic or Intermountain facility?
  • Have you received your COVID-19 vaccine from a community pharmacy or another location?
  • Has your leader informed you that you aren’t compliant on their COVID-19 Vaccine Compliance Dashboard?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you must provide consent. Intermountain previously distributed vaccines as a provider, not an employer, and accessing this information without permission is a violation of HIPAA. If you haven’t already, click here to get started. The link only works when connected to the Intermountain network (e.g. on a facility computer or through PingID/PulseSecure) and works best on Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge. Don’t have a computer at home? Ask your leader if you can use theirs or use an available workstation. If you don’t have a vaccine record on file by December 5, you will be considered not compliant with the requirement and will be suspended.

If you’re uncomfortable with the digital consent process, there’s another option. You can now upload your vaccine record using the same consent link by clicking "Immunizations" on the left handrail, and then “Add COVID Vaccination,” to upload vaccine documentation. This action is quicker than emailing or faxing documentation. If the link still doesn’t work or you feel more comfortable emailing your record, you can send a copy of your vaccine documentation to By doing so, you’re granting consent for Intermountain to have your vaccine information as an employer. It doesn’t mean you’re granting consent for Employee Health to access your record digitally.

If you have questions about the privacy of your patient medical information, please contact Intermountain’s Compliance Hotline at 1-800-442-4845. Questions about the COVID-19 vaccine requirement can go to Ask HR at 801-442-7547 or