What are you learning? Share and you can win a prize

By Kristen Bowles, learning experience pathway manager for the Intermountain Learning Network

Banjo playing BN

As you reflect on the past year, what have you learned? Did you gain new knowledge, improve a practice, or expand your skill set?  Now is a great time to recognize how you’ve developed and make a plan to learn and grow next year. Udemy for Business can be your first stop.

Udemy is free to all Intermountain caregivers. It has thousands of digital courses, covering everything from artificial intelligence to zen yoga. How and what you choose to learn is completely up to you. Spend a few minutes tackling one lesson at a time or binge watch an entire course. Learn at your desk or on the go with Udemy’s mobile app.

In 2021, I focused my learning on three areas:

Next year I’m thinking about getting better at Excel, robotic process automation, and more banjo lessons! Let’s hear what you’re learning about. Between now and December 31, share your Udemy course recommendations on Yammer using the hashtag #alwayslearning and you’ll be entered in a drawing for Udemy swag.  
Remember to discuss your Udemy experiences with your manager during Check-In conversations and use Udemy to build your development plan in Workday. Good luck and happy learning.

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