Meet Intermountain's first babies of 2022

Babies BN
1 Piper

Baby girl Piper with her dad Scott England

The first baby born at an Intermountain hospital in 2022 is a baby girl named Piper England, who arrived at 1:03 a.m. at Logan Regional Hospital. Proud parents are Bethany and Scott England of Logan.

“I wasn’t due until January 20, but my water broke Friday night about 10 p.m. and we arrived at the hospital about 11 p.m. knowing I’d need a Caesarean section,” Bethany says. “We didn’t think she’d arrive quite this early. We have a lot of family birthdays in December, so my mom told me, ‘No more December birthdays.’ Luckily Piper made it to January by just over an hour.”

Even though Piper was born early, she’s healthy and weighed in at exactly 7 pounds and is 19 inches long.

“Everyone at the hospital was super helpful and kind and everything went really smoothly,” Scott says. “We had so many people here to help us and we were all laughing along the way. I couldn’t ask for a more perfect experience.”

Piper is the couple’s second baby. Proud big brother, Oliver, who is three years old, was also born at Logan Regional Hospital.


Baby boy Carter with parents Hunter and Bradley Garrett  

The first baby of 2022 at Utah Valley Hospital was born at 1:56 a.m. on January 1. His name is Carter Garrett and his parents are Hunter and Bradley Garrett. He was 7 pounds 4 ounces and 21 inches long.

“It just feels so special and miraculous,” Bradley told the Daily Herald. “We’re just very, very excited and overwhelmed.”

Mom and dad are both students at BYU and started classes on Monday. Despite the sleepless nights ahead, they say they’re eager and excited to start Carter’s life and see what comes next.

1 Layton Hospital First Baby 2022

Baby boy Ibrahim with parents Ala’eddin Al Zu’bi and Dua’a Ababneh

The first baby born in 2022 at Layton Hospital was a baby boy named Ibrahim Al Zu’bi, who arrived at 4:04 a.m. Weighing in at 6 pounds 3 ounces and measuring 19.7 inches long, Ibrahim was born to Ala’eddin Al Zu’bi and Dua’a Ababneh, who reside in Clearfield. He’s the third child born to the couple, and the first boy in his family.


“It’s amazing for me—it’s very good to have a boy in our culture, to have a boy to carry your family name,” says Ala’eddin.


Both Ala’eddin and Dua’a are citizens of the country of Jordan. They came to Utah in August for Ala’eddin’s employment. He serves as a foreign liaison officer for Jordan at Hill Air Force Base.

1 Cedar

Baby boy Onyx with mom Heather Lowery 

The first baby born at Cedar City Hospital for 2022 was Onyx Lowery, who was born at 7:26 a.m. Onyx was 6 pounds 5 ounces, and measured 18.5 inches long. His proud parents are Heather Lowery and Colton Roberts of Cedar City, and mother and baby are doing extremely well. Onyx will be joining his big brother 9-year-old Liam, who has been “very anxious to meet his little brother,” says Heather.

Coincidentally, Heather’s labor nurse, Kendra Hansen, RN, is Heather’s friend from Canyon View High School.

“We were cheerleaders together in high school, and Kendra’s husband was Homecoming King and I was Homecoming Queen,” says Heather. “I was so thrilled when shift change happened and Kendra became my nurse. It’s so amazing she was here with me through this. She was definitely my rock through labor.”

Heather named her son after her favorite stone, and the name already fits him.

“The onyx stone is for protection and is a warrior stone,” Heather says. “Onyx is about taking negativity and transmuting it into positivity, and I feel like my baby Onyx has already done that so much for my life. It’s been a hard year for many people. He’s taken a dark time and turned it into one of the best moments ever. He lives up to his name already.”

1 St George

Baby girl Genesis with parents Nelsi Carrillo-Romero and Silvano Rosales

The first baby of 2022 born at St. George Regional Hospital was Genesis Alexandra Rosales-Carrillo, who arrived on January 1, at 2:43 p.m. and was welcomed by her parents, Nelsi Carrillo-Romero and Silvano Rosales. Genesis weighed in at 7 pounds and 3 ounces without complications.  

This is Nelsi’s first child and so her labor was long and hard.

“I started laboring at midnight and didn’t have my baby until 3 p.m.,” said Nelsi. “I went unmedicated and the experience felt really complicated but we’re happy to see her and finally have her with us.” 

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