Submit safety photos and win prizes

Safety art sized for Caregiver News

National Patient Safety Awareness Week is March 13-19 and you can help celebrate by sending a photo and summary of how you and your teams keep people safe to Photos and summaries will be shared throughout Intermountain publications and the top three entries will win a special prize.

Examples of possible entries include two nurses checking a medication, an EVS worker cleaning a floor with proper caution signage in place, or anything else that signifies a good safety practice. Safety is everywhere and applies to everyone.

How to submit an entry:

  • Take a photo of how you or your team keep people safe.
  • Please follow proper PHI procedures with your photo.
  • No patient faces or patient identification allowed.
  • Ensure all individuals in the photo have signed a release form.
  • Include the release form(s) in your email.
  • Summarize your photo in one to two sentences.
  • Feel free to share what safety means to you.

We look forward to your entries, seeing you and your team in your element. Send questions to

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