Thanks to your efforts, there was a 36% increase in our overall KPI percentage for June

KPI art sized for Caregiver News
June's KPI scores show our scores are up 106%.

Intermountain’s Monthly Performance Dashboard for June is now available. The dashboard, which measures our overall progress to attaining the nine Board-reported key performance indicators (KPIs) each month, shows our overall system attainment as of June 30 is 106%. This represents significant progress in our system performance over last month’s score of 70%, and an 8% increase above June 2021’s score. If the caregiver incentive payment was to be paid out today, full-time caregivers who average 30 hours or more a week would receive $477 and part-time caregivers who average less than 30 hours would receive  $238.50.

“We acknowledge the creativity in return-to-green plans across the organization and celebrate the successes of your team’s efforts. It truly takes all of us,” says Rob Allen, chief operating officer.

Thanks to efforts across our acute and ambulatory care settings, clinical shared services, and system support services, in June we saw increases in our KPI scores for quality of patient outcomes, likelihood to recommend, equity best practices, and caregiver team engagement.

“We’re half-way through 2022 and are encouraged by our positive progress,” Rob says. “Keep up the great work to deliver robust results on behalf of our patients, communities, and each other, so we can ensure our final two quarters of 2022 remain strong.”

Below are several other actions to help influence KPI progress. You can find more in the Get to Know Our 2022 KPIs guide. During an upcoming Check-In or team meeting, talk to your leader about which actions resonate with you and how you can implement them in your day-to-day workRemember, the things you do every day toward achieving your team and department goals influences system progress.

  • Caregiver safety KPI: While the caregiver safety KPI performance remains above our stretch goal level, we are seeing an increase in sharps and needlestick injuries. Sharps disposal errors often make up a large portion of needlestick injuries. If you work in a clinical area with sharps and sharps containers, please review how to properly dispose a sharps device.
  • Likelihood to recommend KPI: We exceeded the entry goal in June but have work to do to reach target and stretch goals. Share a positive patient experience in your next huddle, as well as an opportunity to improve a patient experience. This can help everyone learn and grow together. Refer to the resources from Compassionate Connections for ideas: “I keep you safe. I respect you. I care about you.”
  • Equity best practices KPI: We accomplished positive progress in all facets of our equity work, including caregiver, member, and patient equity. Building diverse, inclusive teams across the organization starts with our caregivers. Refer your family, friends, and acquaintances to work at Intermountain, and take advantage of the caregiver referral bonus program.
  • Ease of scheduling Medical Group appointments KPI: There was a slight increase this quarter with patient survey results focused on ease of scheduling Medical Group appointments. Visiting one of our clinics should be easy and readily accessible. How can you and your team positively impact and improve access for our patients?

The caregiver incentive plan is only effective in the Canyons and Desert regions. Send questions about the caregiver incentive plan to your leader or contact Ask HR at 801-442-7547 or

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