Learn in five minutes how to clean up your email

Email on laptop SC

Try the “Clean Up Email Conversation” lesson (Section 6, Lesson 32) from the Udemy course Master Microsoft Outlook – Outlook from Beginner to Advanced. In just four minutes you can learn a quick tip to easily get rid of redundant emails in your inbox. If you’re interested, continue with the other lessons—the whole course is about 15 hours, but you can pick and choose the lessons to gain the Outlook skills that matter most to you. 

Share how you practiced your new Outlook skills on Yammer. Everyone who accesses the course and posts will be entered in a drawing for Udemy swag.  #levelup #alwayslearning

Here are the winners from the last prize drawing. These people completed the “Identify and Reframe Self-Limiting Beliefs” lesson from the Growth Mindset: The Key to Confidence, Impact, & Fulfillment Udemy course and shared their skill-building insights

  • Louise Sessions 
  • Heidi Moss 
  • Marissa Sanchez 
  • Chelsea Hole