Participate in the iAct 'Season of Service' this year

Beginning November 1 through the end of 2022, you can take part in iAct’s “Season of Service.”

“This is the time of year when many individuals feel more inclined to participate in service projects and volunteer activities, so we thought we’d help encourage our caregivers to join the service fun,” says Emily Stirling, caregiver social well-being director. 
“Season of Service” allows you to track the time you volunteer for in-person activities and the time you spend donating items to a donation drive. Donations can be food items, clothing, and Angel Tree/Sub-for-Santa donations. One donation counts as one hour of volunteer time, and can be tracked in two ways: 
  • Sign up for a donation drive, Angel Tree, or Sub-for-Santa opportunity in Benevity (which means your time will automatically be tracked).
  • Donate to a drive of your choice, tracking it manually using the “Track External Time” feature in Benevity.
Giving Tuesday, which happens on November 29, falls within the Season of Service. Giving Tuesday is a global generosity movement unleashing the power of people and organizations to transform their communities and the world. The iAct team encourages caregivers to participate in Giving Tuesday by doing one good thing on November 29 – and then telling us about it. You can share your story of service on Yammer, in a team meeting, or through photos through Benevity. All caregivers who post on Yammer about their Giving Tuesday experience will be entered into a drawing.
Other volunteer opportunities outside of donations and Giving Tuesday activities are still eligible for community cash points, so continue logging those hours in Benevity. If you have any questions regarding the Season of Service, Giving Tuesday, or volunteer opportunities in general, please reach out to or visit the iAct webpage.


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