Track all your volunteer hours for a chance to win a prize

Prize drawing SC

Two weeks into the iAct program caregivers have already submitted more than 1,500 hours of volunteer time. This equals $24,000 donated in community cash points to the nonprofit organizations chosen by caregivers.

“We’re thrilled so far by the caregiver participation in the iAct program,” says Emily Stirling, caregiver social well-being director. “We have more dollars to donate and can’t wait to see where caregivers will volunteer and send their community cash points to help our communities.”

All caregivers who track iAct volunteer hours by the end of the year will be entered into a prize drawing for a monetary deposit in the Intermountain Recognition Portal. Several winners will be chosen. The caregiver with the most tracked hours by the end of the year will receive a $250 deposit. Winners can choose a prize of their choice in the Recognition Portal.

You can track all your volunteer time from January 1, 2022 through the end of the year. Tracking time is quick and easy using the “Track External Time” feature on the Benevity app and website.  Caregivers who regularly volunteer with an organization can add up the time volunteered year-to-date and submit one entry using Track External Time.

iAct is only available to caregivers in the Canyons and Desert Regions (full-time, part-time, PRN, and per diem caregivers). The program will be expanded to the Peaks Region in spring 2023.

Help us reach our volunteer hours and community cash donation goals by tracking your volunteer hours today. To learn more about iAct, visit the iAct webpage. You’ll find FAQs, a step-by-step guide, and more. For additional questions, you can email

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