
What education and training do Certified Nurse-Midwives have?

All Certified Nurse-Midwives have a Bachelor of Science degree in nursing, and are registered nurses who have received additional education and training in clinical settings. They all have a master’s or doctorate degree and have passed a national certification exam through the American Midwifery Certification Board.


If I choose a midwife, can I give birth at a hospital?

At Intermountain Healthcare, all Certified Nurse-Midwives deliver only in hospital settings. They collaborate with OB/GYN physicians, should any problems arise that require further medical intervention.


If I’m not currently pregnant, can I still see a midwife for my gynecological care?

We see females of all ages, in all stages of life. Our most common reasons for visits are prenatal exams, contraception, STD testing and treatment, gynecological problems, and annual exams.


Why should I choose or consider a Certified Nurse-Midwife?

We pride ourselves on offering a high standard of medical care, along with a very personalized experience. We set aside more time to spend with each individual patient, and studies show that midwifery care can have equal or improved outcomes including lower rates of intervention, low birth weight babies, preterm labor, and caesarean sections.

Week 28

If I choose a midwife, can I still use pain-management techniques, such as anesthesia and/or medications?

Our primary goal is to support the type of birth experience that each individual patient is hoping for, while keeping the baby safe. You can choose from a variety of options for pain management, including massage, pressure therapy, positional assistance, shower/tub availability, as well as IV pain medication and epidurals.
