Each member of the rehabilitation team plays an important role in the recovery process. Here's a quick look at what each team member does:

The Patient

The patient is the most important member of the team. A positive attitude about learning and developing new skills will help you reach your goals. So you may reach your full potential, we expect you to be an active player in your care. Please let us know if you have any questions or needs during your stay.


The support and involvement of family and friends is necessary. They will be active in patient care and plans from admission to discharge. Identified caregivers are encouraged to attend therapy with the patient for training and education.


An experienced rehabilitation physician or physiatrist will oversee your care during your stay. A physiatrist is a physician who specializes in physical medicine and rehabilitation. Teh Neuro Specialty Rehab physician has responsibly for managing your rehabilitation. This doctor will diagnose and treat both routine medical problems and those related to your disability. Other doctors may be consulted as needed. We will also include your primary or specialist physician in care as needed throughout your stay.

Physical Therapists (PT)

Physical Therapists look at your ability to move efficiently and safely in a variety of settings. They also evaluate the need for assistive devices and wheelchairs if needed. However, the focus will be on acquiring movement skills. As you learn movement skills the physical therapist will treat coordination, alignment, posture, balance, joint mobility, pain, and strength. The goal of physical therapy is to help you become as independent and skilled in your mobility as possible.

Occupational Therapists (OT)

Occupational therapist evaluate and treat problems with movement skills as they relate to activities of daily life, self care, fine motor movements, perception, and hand-eye coordination. As you learn movement skills the occupational therapist will help you regain dressing, bathing, and grooming skills, along with eating, homemaking and other daily activities. 

They provide adaptive equipment if needed, however the focus will be on acquiring movement skills and independence. They also provide training in advanced living skills such as problem solving, judgment, community activities, and money management. A home evaluation may be made before discharge to make suggestions for home access and safety.

Speech-Language Pathologists (SLP)

Speech-Language Pathologists evaluate your ability to talk, read, write, think, and swallow. Treatment may improve problems with speech clarity, swallowing, understanding, memory, problem solving, decision-making, and using abstract information. In some cases speech is not affected, but comprehension may be. If a hearing problem affects communication, a referral may be made to an Audiologist.

Recreational Therapy

Recreational therapy provides recreational activities to assist the patient in the expression of an appropriate leisure lifestyle to improve quality of life, independence, and promote health and well being. Therapeutic recreation can improve physical abilities, build confidence, promote greater self-reliance, manage stress, strengthen interpersonal skills and enrich life. 

Social Worker

The social worker provides emotional support and counseling for adjustment to disability. The social worker also assist you with discharge plans, financial concerns, insurance needs, applying for benefits, and can link you with the appropriate community resources to facilitate a smooth transition to home.

Rehabilitation Nurses

Nursing care is provided by nurses who have additional training in rehabilitation. In addition to the medical care they provide they will help you to practice the skills you learn in therapy and will teach you and your caregivers how to manage your healthcare needs. Upon admission — and daily — the nurse will discuss your plan of care with you. Upon discharge, the nurse will review any new medication, finalize teaching, and ensure you have everything in place before you leave our unit.

Rehab Care Technicians and Patient Care Technicians (PCTs or CNAs). PCTs are certified nursing assistants who have additional training in rehabilitation and nursing skills. PCTs will do much of your personal care and will coach and reinforce the skills taught in your therapy sessions.

Other Professionals

Other professional staff may be involved in your care. These individuals may include health unit coordinators (HUCs), dietitians, pharmacists, respiratory therapists, prosthetics/orthotics specialists and/or audiologists.