New Support Group and Class Helps New and Veteran Moms Develop Skills and Confidence in their Roles

Salt Lake City — New 'Mommy & Me' support group and class helps new moms — as well as veteran moms — develop skills and confidence in their roles as parents and caregivers.

Judi Rausch knows that every mother, new or veteran, needs a little support. That's why she's started a new 'Mommy & Me' mothers support group at LDS Hospital.

"There are so many services and classes available for expectant mothers. But once they have their baby, we say, 'Good luck!' and send them on their way," says Rausch, a nurse and certified lactation specialist at LDS Hospital, who leads the class.

The new 'Mommy & Me' support group meets every Wednesday from 10 a.m. to noon at the LDS Hospital Education Center, just north of the main entrance to the hospital at 8th Avenue and C Street. The class gives women the chance to learn skills and develop confidence in their new roles as mothers and caregivers, whether they're a first-time mom or a veteran.

Rausch covers many questions that are common among new mothers, including breastfeeding concerns, sleeping and eating patterns, vaccinations, getting back into shape, dealing with post-partum depression, safety tips, new parent coping strategies, and more.

Women also benefit from the chance to network with other mothers, especially since this can be an isolating time for many mothers. "Mothers enjoy the chance to get out and visit with other adults, as well as ask questions about whatever has been on their minds," says Rausch.

Most new moms will agree that it's difficult to describe the emotions they feel when they hold their tiny bundles of joy in their arms. Of course happiness and awe are common feelings, but other emotions often come into play -unexpected feelings that range from confusion to self-doubt to anxiety, she says.

The first 30 days of being a new mom comes complete with a roller coaster of emotions, a steep learning curve, and challenges of every kind. The excitement of a new baby is often mixed with exhaustion and tension, a phenomenon that can startle new moms. New moms may feel blissful and content one minute, and tearfully overwhelmed the next.

New moms may face many challenges in the first 30 days, including extreme fatigue, uncertainty in their abilities, changing dynamics with their husband or partner, postpartum blues, postpartum depression, expectations from family and friends and the responsibility for a new human being.

Moms on their second, third or fourth child have the additional challenge of caring for a newborn while still catering to the needs of their other children. Some families are faced with the difficulty of a very sick or special needs baby.

Every woman deals with the challenge of new motherhood differently — there is no one right way.

Every mother can be a success story. When a woman opens her heart to her baby and truly embraces this new role, she is a success. Each mother's experience has something to inspire other new mothers.

Any mother — first time or veteran — and her child age 2 or younger, is welcome to attend the 'Mommy & Me' support group and class.

Call Judi Rausch for more information at (801) 466-1245.

Every mother, new or veteran, needs a little support.