Heber Valley Medical Center Receives HealthInsight Award

Congratulations to Sherri Eiting, director of risk, quality, and education and the team at Heber Valley Medical Center. Eiting and Heber Valley Medical Center received the 2008 HealthInsight Recognition for Excellence in Quality Improvement. This award recognizes our commitment to excellence and continuous improvement. "This quality review organization monitors core measures," mentions Ezra Segura, administrator. "Heber is one of five hospitals in Utah receiving the award for significant improvement in core measures."

"This is a very exciting recognition for our facility," said Segura. "It is also a compliment to Sherri’s management." "I also want to mention the critical role Brenda Price and Brenda Spiva played in the improvement of these core measures in the departments."

HealthInsight assists healthcare providers in their pursuit to improve the processes and outcomes of medical care. "This assistance from HealthInsight enables us to assess our skills and knowledge, mentions Eiting. "We are then able to develop the skill set we need to focus on providing the best patient care possible."

Heber Valley Medical Center is awarded the 2008 HealthInsight Recognition for Excellence in Quality Improvement. This award recognizes our commitment to excellence and continuous improvement.