Runner Covers State, Encourages Exercise

If you think you’re too tired to exercise today, consider the feat Lorie Hutchison will attempt starting this week: Taking 18 days to run from the Idaho border to the Arizona border, a full marathon distance every day, and covering more than 400 miles.

Hutchison is an Intermountain Healthcare Life Flight nurse and an elite long-distance runner. Starting Thursday, September 17, she will run a full marathon (26.2 miles) every day for 18 straight days, from border to border. Hutchison will start her 18-Day Marathon at 9:00 a.m. at the Utah/Idaho border on Highway 91, and travel through Logan and the Cache Valley corridor.
Partnering with Intermountain’s LiVe public service campaign that promotes healthy eating and physical activity, Lorie is encouraging everyone to follow her example. However, instead of running 26.2 miles every day, she is challenging Utahns, and specifically Utah kids, to exercise 18 straight days for at least 26 minutes each day.

Called the 18-Day Marathon Challenge, those who complete it will receive a LiVe Hacky Sack (while supplies last). To participate, go to and print out a tracker form. After completing 18 days of exercise, send the form back to the LiVe program and you’ll be mailed a LiVe Hacky Sack.

A map of Lorie’s progress through the state is also available at She invites people to come out on her running route to say hello or even run a few miles with her. There are also links on the LiVe website to Lorie’s Facebook and Twitter sites if you want to send her words of encouragement or ask a question.

LiVe is a public service campaign started in 2007 that encourages children to be active and eat healthy. Sponsored by Intermountain Healthcare, LiVe provides activities and programs for children, parents, teachers, and healthcare providers to help kids be more fit. For more information visit

Starting at the Utah-Idaho border in Cache Valley, long-distrance athlete Lorie Hutchison runs 26.2 miles per day for 18 straight days and encourages families and individuals to exercise 26 minutes per day for 18 straight days, as part Intermountain LiVe's 18-Day Marathon Challenge.