APX Alarms donates $70,000 to Utah Valley

Provo-based APX Alarms donated more than $70,000 last week to Utah Valley Regional Medical Center, the largest single corporate donation in the hospital’s history.

The donation is a combination of cash and in-kind materials. The company donated $40,600 for the purchase of a Giraffe Isolette that will be used in the hospital’s NICU. APX employees also assembled more than 1,000 “Smile” kits that will be given to mothers in pre-term labor, siblings of patients in the NICU and young children and toddlers on the Pediatrics unit. Materials for the kits cost $30,000, which brings the total APX donation to $70,600.

A Giraffe Isolette is a state-of-the-art piece of equipment that combines a radiant warmer with an isolette into one piece of equipment. It is ideal for pre-mature infants because it allows easy access by caregivers while maintaining the ideal humidity and room temperature needed by these very small patients.

APX President Todd Pederson and other company leaders presented a check to Utah Valley Regional administrators Thursday during a short celebration in the hospital’s Rotunda. The kits were delivered by APX employees the day before.

Gena Sorensen, manager of Pediatrics, said her unit received enough kits to last an entire year. Gena and her staff began distributing the kits immediately because they couldn’t wait to see how excited their patients would be to receive one.

“In all my years of working with corporations, I’ve never worked with a president who’s been so eager to engage his employees in giving back to the community. Our gratitude goes out to Todd Pederson and his employees at APX for making this happen,” says Joe Hansen, executive director of Utah Valley Healthcare Foundation.

Provo-based APX Alarms donated more than $70,000 last week to Utah Valley Regional Medical Center, the largest single corporate donation in the hospital’s history.

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