Pediatrics Articles: Archive

Periodically, our pediatrics department is writing topical, medically-informed articles on a variety of topics. When there is a new article, you can find it in the News & Announcements section of the home page.

All articles will be archived below:

When You Should Bring a Sick Child to the Doctor: Our pediatrics department gives guidelines for when your sick child needs to see the pediatrician--and when you can hold off on bringing them in.

AAP Expands Guidelines for Infant Sleep Safety and SIDS Risk Reduction: In October of 2011, the American Academy of Pediatrics updated their policy statement on safe sleep guidelines for babies.

Back to School: Our pediatricians' advice on school anxiety, backpack safety, and bullying.

Bryner Clinic's Pediatrics department is posting medically-informed articles on pediatric topics.

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