Important Changes at our Clinic

Dear Friend,

I wanted to let you know about an important, upcoming transition. Since I am committed to providing excellent healthcare services, I am very excited to announce a unique opportunity that has arisen with Intermountain Healthcare here in southern Utah.

This opportunity will be a major step forward in improving two services in which I participate.  The first is the implemention of an OB hospitalist program at Dixie Regional Medical Center, which will provide 24/7 coverage of labor and delivery. This program will focus on safety for laboring moms and specialized care for maternal-fetal medicine and high-risk patients. Second, Intermountain Healthcare has committed to developing a full-spectrum fertility program which will expand treatment options for patients struggling to conceive in our community. This is a very exciting time in southern Utah and I feel privileged to have been invited to assist in implementing and developing these programs within our community.
As these new opportunities approach I will be making changes within my current practice at Intermountain Women’s Health Specialists.  I will need to limit my obstetrics practice and will no longer be accepting new obstetric patients as of September 1st, 2011.  I will continue seeing gynecologic patients through November 7th. Then, I will take a new position at Dixie Regional Medical Center as an OB hospitalist and also transition to the new Dixie Regional fertility program.

Arriving at the decision to accept this position has been a bittersweet process as I have loved practicing obstetrics and gynecology for the past four years and have developed so many wonderful relationships along the way.  I want to assure you that during this period of time I have also developed a great respect and trust for Dr. Richard Ott and my office staff at Intermountain Women’s Health Specialists and I encourage you to continue receiving your healthcare services within this clinic. In addition, Dr. Ott and the clinic staff are also committed to the growth and development of these services and will be expanding their provider base as needed in order to provide extraordinary healthcare for women here in southern Utah.

If you are currently pregnant you will not have any changes in your OB care. I will continue to see you through your pregnancy and postpartum care, at Intermountain Women’s Health Specialists.

If you are currently receiving infertility treatment from me, your care will continue with me and transition to my new clinic. My staff will help coordinate your appointments and transition details.

If you have any questions, please call the office at (435) 688-4600.

Thank you for the opportunity to have been your physician. I appreciate your confidence, trust and friendship, and your support as we work through this transition.



Robert Chalmers, MD
Intermountain Women’s Health Specialists

Read about some important changes in our clinic.