Pediatrics Article: Back to School

Salt Lake City, Utah teenager at Bryner Clinic pediatricsThis is an exciting time of year as the summer winds down and school starts. Bryner Clinic Pediatrics has been happy to help your children get their school exams and their immunizations completed. It has been a busy summer for all of us.

As this exciting time of year begins, the American Academy of Pediatrics has reminded us of several things. Among them is to recognize that many children will be somewhat anxious at the start of anything new. They suggest you remind your child that he or she is not the only student who is a bit uneasy and assure them the teachers will understand their anxieties. There will be old friends and meet new ones. Refresh their memories of positive things in previous years and times they returned home with high spirits because they had a good time. Find another child in the neighborhood with whom your youngster can walk to school or ride with on the bus. You may want to drive your child to school or the first day and pick him up if you feel it is appropriate.

Remember backpack safety: Choose a backpack with wide, padded shoulder straps and a padded back. Pack light with heavier items closest to the center of the back. A backpack should never weigh more than 10 to 20 percent of your child’s body weight. Always use shoulder straps. Slinging a backpack over one shoulder can strain muscles. You may want to use a rolling backpack if your school allows them. Use these if your student must tote a heavy load.

Meals during the time at school are very important for their learning. Obtain a schedule from your school cafeteria which can help you plan both what they can get there and when you should plan on packing lunch when your child prefers not to eat what they are offering that day. Talk to your child about healthy choices such as fresh fruit, low-fat dairy products, water and 100 percent fruit juice in vending machines.

Now, a word on bullying, which has become a significant problem in schools. When your child is bullied, help them learn to handle it. Here are some steps to follow:

1. Help your child learn how to respond by teaching your child how to:
      a) look the bully in the eye. 
      b) Stand tall and stay calm in a difficult situation, and
      c) Walk away

2. Teach your child how to say in a firm voice:
      a) “I don’t like what you are doing.”
      b) “Please do NOT talk to me like that.” or
      c) “Why would you say that?”

3. Teach your child when and how to ask for help.

4. Encourage your child to make friends with other children.

5. Support activities that interest your child.

6. Alert school officials to the problems and work with them on solutions

7. Make sure an adult who knows about the bullying can watch out for your child’s safety and well-being when you cannot be there.

If you go to the American Academy of Pediatrics website,, they have great suggestions for traveling to and from school by car, bus, bike, or walking, in addition to the above suggestions. They have great ideas about before and after school child care and developing good homework and study habits. It is an excellent website.

We at Bryner Clinic Pediatrics appreciate you and your children, and it is a pleasure to work with you. Please feel free to involve us in their care. Remember how important it is to have regular checkups and keep their immunizations up to date.

Thank you so much.

Bryner Clinic's pediatrics department gives advice on school anxiety, backpack safety, and bullying.

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