Homer Warner Center is #1 place in nation to work in IT

The Intermountain Medical Center Homer Warner Center for Informatics Research is the best hospital information technology department in the nation among hospitals with more than 351 beds, according to a study commissioned by Healthcare IT News, a medical informatics journal.

The study was based on a confidential survey completed by IT staff members in 179 hospitals that were nominated for the award. The survey was designed to measure statistically exceptional IT departments by assessing IT employees' satisfaction in seven categories: daily work, immediate team, workplace culture, senior managers, training/development, direct supervisors, and compensation.

Healthcare IT News says: "The best IT departments demonstrate deep respect for employees and appreciate their hard work…The 25 hospital IT departments that made the long journey to the top deserve kudos for creating workplaces where employees thrive and have fun while working incredibly hard."

"The Homer Warner Center provides a unique opportunity to apply technology, research, and clinical capability. That combination creates an environment that's very challenging but also very rewarding to the individuals involved," said Marc Probst, Intermountain Healthcare's chief information officer.

Visit the website to read Healthcare IT News' complete report on Intermountain Medical Center.​

National study says Intermountain's Homer Warner Center for Informatics Research is the nation's #1-ranked hospital IT workplace