Mayors, City Leaders to Kickoff 100-Day ‘My Heart Challenge’ Contest Thursday

Don’t be surprised the next time you see your mayor taking the stairs instead of the elevator, or eating an apple rather then a candy bar.  For the next 100 days,  mayors and city leaders from throughout the Salt Lake Valley are working to improve their health – and they want their residents to follow their example.

On Thursday morning, city executives and their supporters from throughout the valley are kicking off the 100-day ‘My Heart Challenge’ sponsored by the Intermountain Medical Center Heart Institute.  
Over the next 100 days, these busy mayors and city leaders will work with staff and other experts from the Intermountain Medical Center Heart Institute to improve their heart health through changes in their eating and exercise habits.  They will also learn other strategies to reduce their heart attack risk and to improve their overall fitness levels.
“Heart disease remains the leading cause of disease and disability in our society,” says Donald Lappe, MD, chief of cardiology at the Intermountain Medical Center Heart Institute. “Yet, there is so much we can do individually to minimize risks and prevent heart disease. This event is aimed at raising awareness and motivating individuals to make positive changes in their lives. If these busy leaders can do it, anyone can.”
Mayors and city leaders will undergo baseline testing at the beginning of the Challenge and then be re-tested 100 days later. In the meantime, they will work with dietitians, cardiologists and exercise physiologists from the Heart Institute to help develop personal eating and exercise plans. Participants will report weekly on their progress.  A point system will be used to determine the winner.
9 am, Thursday, March 29, 2012

Intermountain Medical Center
Education Auditorium - Just off main entrance (west entrance), Building 6
5300 South State in Murray
Mayors and city leaders from:
Salt Lake City
South Salt Lake
West Jordan
Cottonwood Heights
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On Thursday morning, city mayors from throughout the valley are kicking off the 100-day ‘My Heart Challenge’ sponsored by the Intermountain Medical Center Heart Institute.