Allergy Symptoms Surge With Pollen Counts

This year, spring came a little early, and brought with it a very high pollen count. Around 25% of the population suffer from hay fever. Dr. Craig Moffat, an allergist at the Intermountain Sandy Clinic, says that a skin test will identify exactly what you're allergic to. Once your allergic triggers are identified, you may want to inquire about immunotherapy, or allergy shots. This treatment is almost 90% effective.

On Saturday, April 14, from 10:00 am until 12:00 noon, Dr. Craig Moffat and Dr. Charles Rogers will be on the Deseret News/Intermountain Hotline, to answer your questions. You can call 1-800-925-8177, or post questions online ot the Deseret News facebook page. 

Allergist Craig Moffat, MD talks about allergies in this Deseret News article.

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