Free Seminar for Runners, Cyclists and Endurance Sports Enthusiasts

MURRAY – "Eat to Run: Improve you Performance Through What you Eat," is the title of a free seminar that TOSH – The Orthopedic Specialty Hospital is holding for runners, cyclists, triathletes and other sport endurance enthusiasts on Tuesday, April 10, from 6:30 to 8 pm in the TOSH Auditorium, 5848 S. 300 East.

Experts from the TOSH Running Program will teach participants how to pay closer attention to their eating habits and what important nutrients are needed for a healthy diet.  Participants will also learn about optimal timing as to when athletes should eat.  Is it better to eat before you run or exercise, during, or afterward? Learn how the timing of eating impacts your performance. Finally, you'll learn about eating for race day. Learn what foods optimize performance for the big race.

Registration is not necessary. For more information, call TOSH Sports Performance at 801.314.2996.

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"Eat to Run: Improve you Performance Through What you Eat," is the title of a free seminar that TOSH on Tuesday, April 10, from 6:30 to 8 pm.