Top 7 ways to survive the St. George Marathon

By Locke Ettinger, director of the LiVe Well Center and Sports Performance Training at Dixie Regional Medical Center, finisher of 17 St. George Marathons and two St. George Ironman races.
People ask me why I do marathons or triathlons. I do it because it’s challenging, and having a goal gives me a reason to continue to stay in good physical condition throughout the year.
There’s more than that though. I love the St. George Marathon and other local events. I love the course. I love our volunteers and spectators. The St. George Marathon is part of our culture in southern Utah. We live in one of the most scenic areas anywhere. People come from all over the world to see our red mountains. What a great thing to be able to not only run the marathon, but to spend time every day enjoying what we have here.

I am in a position where I am often asked for advice on running the marathon. There are definitely things you can do. Here's my list of some of the most important things:

  1. Be sure you get adequate rest during the week prior to the marathon.
  2. Do a dynamic warm-up while you’re waiting for the race to begin. 
  3. Make sure you are well hydrated, and include electrolytes in your drink to replace sodium and potassium. 
  4. Be prepared for both heat and cold. 
  5. Keep the glucose and carbs coming throughout the race. 
  6. Pace yourself.
  7. Don’t get caught up too much in the excitement at the first of the race.
That said, a marathon is exciting. Running can bring its own euphoria. Everybody has an occasional difficult running day. If during a marathon things turn difficult, back off your pace. Break up it up into smaller distances. Think of the run as a nice way to spend the morning. Enjoy the beautiful scenery. Don’t stress over it, after all we are blessed to be able to run, walk or “wheel” 26 miles.
Remember to have fun. My wife is running with me for the first time this year. We’ve had a great time training together. Even if we don’t always run at the same pace, it’s still something we can share. It gives me one more reason to look forward to race day this year.

​Locle Ettinger, director of the LiVe Well Center at Dixie Regional, shares his thoughts on the St. George Marathon, and how you can successfully complete it.

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