Insulin Dependent Patients to be Honored for Successfully Managing Their Disease

WHAT: On Wednesday, Nov 14, in conjunction with National Diabetes Awareness Day, 40 patients of Intermountain Healthcare’s Cottonwood Endocrine & Diabetes Center will be awarded medals for successfully managing their insulin dependent diabetes. Family members and staff will join in the celebrations.

Among the patients being recognized at the event, nine patients have been living with insulin dependent diabetes for more than 50 years and will receive silver medals. The remaining 31 patients have been dependent for more than 25 years and will receive bronze medals. A gold medal is received at 75 years, and a few patients will reach that milestone in the next few years.

The celebration also coincides with the 75th anniversary of the invention of injecting insulin for the treatment of diabetes. As part of the awards presentation, Keith Johns, Senior Director of US Lilly Diabetes, the pharmaceutical company that initially refined the process of insulin injection, will share the history of insulin and the supplies that were available in the beginning and the technology and knowledge available today.

Treatment for diabetic patients often includes changes to diet and exercise, plus medications and often insulin injections. Patients who are insulin dependent require three injections of insulin each day to regulate carbohydrates and fat metabolism in the body.

“The award ceremony is a way for our clinic to reach out and honor our patients, families and the community for diabetes education and awareness,” said Mahtab Sohrevardi, MD, medical director of the Cottonwood Endocrine & Diabetes Center.

WHEN: 7 pm, Wednesday, Nov 14, 2012

WHERE: Intermountain Medical Center Doty Education Center 5300 South State Street, Murray, UT

On Wednesday, Nov 14, 40 patients will be awarded medals for successfully managing their insulin dependent diabetes.