The Lower Lights Brings Joy Through Music to Cancer Patients at LDS Hospital

Local Americana band, The Lower Lights, has performed for many audiences, but their private show today for patients and staff at LDS Hospital’s blood and marrow transplant unit, will be especially memorable.

The blood and marrow transplant unit cares for some of LDS Hospital’s sickest patients. Patients in the unit are either recovering from a bone marrow transplant or are waiting to become well enough to undergo a transplant. After transplant, patients must remain in the hospital for a minimum of 100 days, sometimes longer.

“Patients in the unit are here for several weeks or even months at a time. Most patients can’t leave the unit because their immune systems are so severely compromised,” said Jim Sheets, LDS Hospital’s administrator. “It’s tough enough being in the hospital for any length of time let alone over the holidays. We’re so grateful to The Lower Lights for being willing to share their incredible talent with us and help bring some holiday cheer to our patients.”

Today - Thursday, December 12 at 4 p.m.

LDS Hospital Blood and Marrow Transplant Unit (8th Avenue & C Street, Salt Lake City, Utah)

Local Americana band, The Lower Lights, performs Thursday for cancer patients at LDS Hospital