Harp Music Enhances Hospital's Healing Environment

January 23 — PROVO — Visitors and patients at Utah Valley Regional Medical Center now have a new tool for healing that’s as old as the Greek gods themselves.
Like the mythical god Hermes playing his lyre to soothe anger and stress, local volunteers are now providing harp music in the main lobby of the hospital. The new instrument — and volunteer opportunity — came about through a recent donation from the Kreutzkamp family of Orem.
“We’re so happy to have this for our patients and visitors. It’s fun to provide a chance for local harpists to come in, gain experience and serve in their community,” said Cheryl Call, Volunteer Director at Utah Valley Regional, who coordinates the harp program.
McKayla Kreutzkamp, 16, has been playing the harp for 11 years and plays two hours each week at the hospital as a volunteer. She favors the harp over other instruments like the piano particularly because of its relaxing sound.
“The harp music really adds a calm and peaceful feeling to an environment that can be a stressful place,” said Kreutzkamp. Her mother, Caroline, has noticed a real change in people who listen. “I love to sit in the lobby and watch the stress and uncomfortable expressions ease as people watch and listen to the harp music,” Caroline added.
Harp music can now be heard at Utah Valley Regional on Sunday, Monday, Friday and Saturday afternoons. Volunteer Services is on the lookout for more volunteers to donate an hour or more per week. The goal is to have harp music playing in the lobby three to four hours per day throughout the week.
“Now that we have a harp available and ready to be played, we’d like to grow the program and expand throughout the hospital,” said Call. Interested harpists can apply by contacting Utah Valley Regional’s Volunteer Services at 801.357.2647.
For more information, please contact Janet Frank at 801.357.7766 or janet.frank@imail.org.

Visitors and patients at Utah Valley Regional Medical Center now have a new tool for healing that’s as old as the Greek gods themselves: a beautiful harp, played by volunteers.