Hospital-owned homes coming down in preparation for construction

May 21 — PROVO — Utah Valley Regional Medical Center will soon begin taking down all hospital-owned homes in the neighborhood to the south of the facility in preparation for a major construction project set to begin in the spring of 2015.

The demolition will take place in three phases, with the first phase set to start before the end of May with homes on 250 West and the northern part of 300 West. In June and July, the second phase will focus on the homes on both sides of 300, 380 and 440 West and north of approximately 837 North. Then in late July through September, all remaining hospital-owned homes will be removed.

Utah Valley Regional has been purchasing homes in the area as they became available for the past several years. Residents of the neighborhood received notice of the demolition schedule last November through an open house meeting and subsequent letter.

“We understand this change is difficult for some and we appreciate the patience and understanding of everyone involved,” said Steve Smoot, administrator of Utah Valley Regional. “Representatives from the hospital’s property management company have worked with several of the tenants to help them find other housing arrangements.”

Planning began last year for the hospital’s upcoming construction project. Although the final size and scope of the new building have not been determined, it will replace the existing seven-story tower, which is more than 40 years old. Information about the hospital construction project will be made available to the public once plans are finalized and Intermountain Healthcare’s Governing Board formally approves the project.

Once all hospital-owned homes have been removed, much of the area will be used for parking. Most of the existing parking on the southwest corner of Utah Valley Regional’s campus will be lost in preparation for the construction.

Utah Valley Regional Medical Center will soon begin taking down all hospital-owned homes in the neighborhood to the south of the facility in preparation for a major construction project set to begin in the spring of 2015.