New Study Shows How Much Sleep Adults Need to Stay Healthy

Adults need seven to nine hours of sleep each night, according to a new study, and sleep experts at Utah Valley Regional Medical Center support those results.

A new study by the American Thoracic Society revealed the majority of adults need between seven and nine hours of sleep each night. Any more or less is associated with adverse health outcomes. So even regularly getting six hours of sleep may not be what’s best for you.

“My adult patients often ask how much sleep they need. This new study reinforces the need for adults to get adequate sleep every night,” said Douglas Ross, MD, a sleep medicine specialist at Utah Valley Regional. “Maintaining a steady sleep schedule is necessary for optimal health.”

The Thoracic Society study supports a consensus statement on adequate sleep published last month from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine/Sleep Research Society. According to the group, sleeping less than seven hours per night on a regular basis is associated with adverse health outcomes including diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, depression and obesity.

If adults aren’t able to get the recommended amount of sleep, they may need to investigate the cause. Research further indicates sleep disorders are increasingly common, and many people remain undiagnosed and untreated.

“If good habits are in place, but a disorder goes undiagnosed, the quality of sleep and overall health will still suffer,” said Dr. Ross. “If a person suspects they might have a sleep disorder, they should get it checked out. Their overall health depends on it.”

A new study by the American Thoracic Society, and supported by sleep experts at Utah Valley Regional Medical Center, revealed the majority of adults need between seven and nine hours of sleep each night. Any more or less is associated with adverse health outcomes.