LDS Hospital And Salt Lake Cookie Shop Launch Campaign To Help Utah Women Beat Breast Cancer One Cookie At A Time

Ruby Snap Fresh Cookies owner Tami Steggell knows the power of early detection when it comes to breast cancer.  That’s why she and LDS Hospital are teaming up for the “Save a Pair of Suzies” campaign as part of National Breast Cancer Awareness month in October.

Everyone who enters Ruby Snap Fresh Cookies, 770 South 300 West, in October and pledges to get a mammogram, or encourages other women to get screened, will get one of Tami’s most popular cookies — the Suzie — for free.

Visitors to the cookie shop will also be able to capture a #SaveaSuzie selfie in the selfie station supplied by LDS Hospital to help promote breast cancer screenings.

Tami decided to launch the campaign to encourage Utah women to be screened so that they can detect breast cancer as early as possible. Utah has one of the lowest rates of screening mammography in the nation. Tami wants to help change that.

She had a routine screening mammogram a few years ago at LDS Hospital. Days later she was asked to return for a follow up exam to explore something identified in the initial breast images. Like many women, the days leading up to her next appointment were difficult, and she had mentally convinced herself that she had breast cancer. Thankfully, her second exam ruled out a breast cancer diagnosis. But her experience only increased her desire for all women to be properly screened for breast cancer and she has made it a personal crusade to promote mammograms.


10 a.m., Monday, October 19, 2015



Ruby Snap Fresh Cookies
770 South 300 West
Salt Lake City, Utah 84101


Teresa Reading, MD, LDS Hospital surgeon who specializes in breast cancer

Tami  Steggell, owner of Ruby Snap Fresh Cookies


Tami will be available to share her story, and to take cameras behind the bakery scene to show the Suzies cooking in progress.

Teresa Reading, MD, an LDS Hospital surgeon who specializes in breast cancer, will talk about the need for women to be screened to detect breast cancer and why every Utah woman 40 and over should have an annual mammogram,

Tami’s friends and customers will be there in pink attire to pledge support for breast cancer screening awareness, and highlight the #SaveaSuzie selfie.


LDS Hospital and Ruby Snap Fresh Cookies are encouraging Utah women age 40 and older to get their mammogram, – and they’re doing it one cookie at a time.