Coloring Book Craze Holds Mental Health Benefits for Adults

The adult coloring book craze that began last fall shows no signs of slowing down. Besides just being entertaining, studies and experts now agree adult coloring books can help reduce anxiety and improve mental health.

“It’s an active, creative kind of outlet. I think it has merit for anxiety and possibly for mood as well,” said Jason Conover, a licensed clinical social worker at Utah Valley Hospital.

Studies support this idea. Researchers in 2005 looked into the effects that coloring has on adults and found that “participants who colored a mandala actually decreased their anxiety levels to levels below that which they reported before the anxiety induction.”

Lisa Moos, a coloring enthusiast from Payson, uses coloring books a few times a month and is familiar with the associated benefits.

“I have depression and anxiety, so if I’ve had a super stressful day and am a little on edge, I will color. By the time I’m done coloring, it’s all just floated away,” said Moos, who also loves the fact that she doesn’t have to be an artist to enjoy the activity.

Making this “little escape” part of her routine has rubbed off on Moos’ daughter, too. The college student uses coloring books to get away from the stresses of her classes and any other school-related anxiety.

Conover said coloring can bring a person out of his or her worries and into the moment. He also emphasizes how it can release everyone’s “inner child” without being too overwhelming.

“With a blank page, if you just start doodling, it might not be very long lasting. But with adult coloring, there’s a lot of detail and it draws in people who are artistic or not. Either way, they can engage,” Conover said.

Though adult coloring books do not technically qualify as art therapy, the benefits of mindfulness, focus, reduced anxiety, and connectedness are helpful for many people seeking healthier lives.

Adults looking to reduce their anxiety level and improve their mental health might want to pick up a box of crayons and a coloring book.