Heart Challenge Winners’ Children Marry One Another

Jay and Wendy Whatcott, the winners of the 2016 100-Day Heart Challenge at Utah Valley Hospital.

The Whatcotts completed and won their challenge in May, and the Lees completed and won the challenge in December of 2015.

Jay and Wendy Whatcott and the Harold and Cheryl Lee became friends after their children, Ryan and Mackenzie, began dating about three years ago. They didn’t see much of each other after both children decided to serve LDS missions. But when the Whatcotts’ son returned from his mission, Harold and Cheryl went to see him. The Whatcotts couldn’t believe how wonderful Harold and Cheryl looked and asked what they were doing.

The Lees were in the heart challenge, working hard to learn new eating and exercise habits and change their lifestyles. The results were dramatic. Harold lost almost sixty pounds during the 100 days, and according to Cheryl, “The challenge helped us to lose weight, lower our blood pressure, our blood sugars, and cholesterol. We now enjoy exercising together and having more energy.”

The Whatcotts immediately noticed the changes when they saw the Lees. The Lees told them about the challenge and, when applications for the next challenge opened up, Cheryl forwarded Wendy the Facebook notification. “Jay had been told by our doctor that he was prediabetic, and needed to get in shape and get healthier. We decided to go for it and apply. It was one of the best things we have ever done. The challenge…helped us lose weight and be healthier and stronger.”

They did so well they won the challenge. Winning is determined by a number of factors, but is focused primarily on improvement in the participants’ heart disease risk factors like weight, blood pressure, cholesterol, waist circumference, blood sugar and triglycerides.

While their parents were busy getting healthy, Ryan and Makenzie were busy falling in love and planning a wedding. Harold and Cheryl entered their challenge to surprise Makenzie when she returned from her mission (in December). Makenzie and Ryan picked up their relationship after her return in December. The Whatcotts participated in their challenge between February and May. In early June, the families were united by Makenzie and Ryan’s wedding. Thanks to the heart challenge and the lifestyle changes these couples have made, Makenzie and Ryan can look forward to having their parents around for years to come.

Everyone wants to look their best when standing in the receiving line at a wedding, and the parents of newlyweds Ryan Whatcott and Makenzie Lee are no exception. Both couples were healthier and slimmer at their childrens’ wedding last Saturday, June 4, showing off the results they achieved in Utah Valley Hospital’s 100-Day Heart Challenge.