Don’t Forget Medications in Preparation Efforts

Michael Rhodes, MD, assistant medical director at Utah Valley Hospital, recommends having a minimum three-day supply of medicines in a 72-hour kit and believes a 30-day supply is even better.

“The victims of the recent Alberta fire were away from their homes for weeks,” said Dr. Rhodes, “If you’re evacuated, it takes time to settle in a new place and establish a relationship with another doctor. It’s smart to have more than you’ll think you need on hand.”

The first step, though, is a conversation with your doctor about your emergency preparation efforts.

“Ask your doctor for an additional prescription, explain what you’re doing and tell your doctor the meds will be going into storage,” said Dr. Rhodes. “Since many insurance companies will only cover a 30-day supply, you may need to pay out of pocket. If your medication is very expensive, ask if there’s a generic substitute you could use in an emergency.”

Dr. Rhodes’ other tips for storing medication include:

  • Ask for pill or tablet medications because they will last longer than a liquid form. Then, vacuum seal the pills and store them in a cool, dry place to preserve effectiveness as long as possible. Pills can last one to two years beyond the expiration date in these conditions.
  • Have a mortar and pestle in your emergency kit if you’re on any liquid mediations. Liquids may crystallize in storage, and the mortar and pestle will allow you to break up the crystals and reconstitute the medicine.
  • Label all medications clearly so someone else can dispense it to you if you’re incapacitated and unable to take the medicine. That means a label stating who the medication is for, what time of day it’s taken and any special instructions.
  • Preserve refrigerated medications (like insulin) in a Ziploc baggie in your toilet tank, but not the bowl. If the power goes out, the fridge will stay cold for 12-24 hours. After that, you can keep the medications cool in the tank of the toilet, which is 15-20 degrees cooler than the ambient temperature.
  • Talk to your doctor about a prescription for an epi-pen if anyone in your family has severe allergies to bees, peanuts etc. The pen will last for a year if stored in a cool, dry location.
  • Update your supply every one to two years. Even in ideal conditions, the medications won’t last forever.

Water, food and heat aren’t the only items Utahans need to have on hand when “the big one” finally hits. Medications will also be important, especially for those suffering from a chronic condition.