‘Know Your Sugar’ Tour, Sugar Cube Sculpture of America, Coming to Utah on Monday to Raise Awareness About Dangers of High Sugar Consumption

On Monday, they and their "Know Your Sugar" tour – complete with a detailed 10x10 foot sugar cube sculpture of the United States – will be in Utah at Intermountain Medical Center.

Their message to Utahns: stop eating so many sugar-filled foods and drinks.

News media are invited.

The United States Department of Agriculture estimates that the average American consumes between 150 to 170 pounds of refined sugar annually. For every American who eats only five pounds of sugar each year, there is one who eats about 295 pounds per year. To put that into perspective, during the 1800s, the average intake of sugar was only about four to six pounds per person per year. This increase has resulted in a record number of Americans who are now classified as obese or diabetic.

The damaging effects of diabetes have personally touched both Jamison and Revels. Both have close family members with diabetes. Revels lost his grandmother to complications related to diabetes.

The duo launched their 10-city, 3,384 mile, U.S. tour earlier this summer to raise awareness about the health dangers of America's high level of sugar consumption. They are traveling in a large RV, which has become their mobile art studio, sculpting away as they visit each city, adding major iconic landmarks along the way. For Utah's landmarks, they've sculpted Utah's famous Delicate Arch out of sugar cubes, along with a Beehive, which will be added to their sugar-cube sculpture of the nation, on Monday.  Diabetes experts from Intermountain Medical Center will join them.

Sculptors Brendan Jamison and Mark Revels
Diabetes experts from Intermountain Medical Center


9:30 a.m. – 1 p.m., Monday, July 18, 2016

Intermountain Medical Center - Main Lobby (Bldg. #5)
5121 South Cottonwood Street, Murray

Irish sculptors Brendan Jamison and Mark Revels are on a cross-country tour of America to raise awareness about the growing health epidemic of obesity and diabetes that is being fueled by America's love affair with sugar.