Srivastava Honored with Excellence in Teaching Award

Dr. Raj Srivastava, Assistant Vice President of Research.

At a recent Award Ceremony at the University of Utah’s School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Dr. Raj Srivastava received the coveted Excellence in Teaching award. Dr. Srivastava was chosen as a recipient by the residency house staff in the Department of Pediatrics. 

Dr. Srivastava is a tenured professor of pediatrics at the University of Utah in the Division of Inpatient Medicine. He is a practicing hospitalist at Intermountain Primary Children’s Hospital in Salt Lake City, Utah and is currently employed by Intermountain Healthcare as the Assistant Vice President of Research. In addition to his various roles at Intermountain, he is also the Medical Director of the Office of Research and Vice Chair of Research, Department of Medicine, Intermountain Medical Center.

This honor serves as a tangible reminder of the close ties Intermountain Healthcare enjoys with the University of Utah, as both healthcare organizations work to provide excellent opportunities for training and mentorship of providers, resulting in extraordinary patient care for the broad Utah community. 

Raj Srivastava MD, MPH, AVP Research, Intermountain Healthcare was Recently Honored with the Excellence in Teaching Award from the University of Utah’s School of Medicine