Statement from Family of Injured UHP Trooper Eric Ellsworth

To begin with this afternoon, we would like to express our immense gratitude for the outpouring of love and support for Eric, his wife, and children, and for us as Eric’s family. We cannot adequately express our gratitude to everyone who is hoping, praying, and serving Eric, and us as his family.

Eric’s current condition remains extremely critical.  In light of that status, we have witnessed firsthand the fight and determination Eric has within him. We know Eric to be a fighter and one who stands up for the things he believes in.  He has already defied the odds and continues to fight this very minute here in this hospital for his life.  

As many of you already know, Eric was involved in an accident this past Friday evening. He sustained injuries while serving, protecting, and standing at his post, doing what he was called upon to do as a member of the Utah Highway Patrol.  This is what Eric did, and that is who Eric is; he stands tall in places he is asked to be. Whether it is as a husband, a father, a son, a brother, a friend, a member of his faith, a missionary, a fellow law enforcement officer, a neighbor, or a member of the community, this state and nation, Eric has stood tall and has fulfilled and often exceeded his obligations and responsibilities. 

Today Eric stands tall in a different place under different circumstances. He stands now where his Heavenly Father has asked him to stand. We as a family are witnesses to that assignment and how he is faithfully standing tall.

Eric has been married to his wife Janica for the past 10 years. They began their friendship in high school; yes, they were high school sweethearts.  Eric adores and loves his wife with all his heart. Eric and Janica are faithful members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  They both have a deep convection and love for Jesus Christ and the love He has for them and each one of you.  Eric and Janica were married in an LDS temple, the place where they believe families can be bound together beyond our lives here on Earth. They have a forever family. They have 3 little boys who they love cherish. These three young boys idolize their dad. 

Eric is one of two boys in a family of nine siblings. Since marrying his wife, that number has expanded to three boys and 12 siblings. It’s not hard to figure out, Eric has been blessed with plenty of female influence; which has helped him become compassionate and loving.  Eric is an Eagle Scout.  Eric served a faithful mission as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in the Canada Winnipeg Mission.  He enjoys going camping with his wife, boys, and family.  Those of us who know Eric, know him to be a jokester; always finding a way to lighten the mood and find a smile in each of us.  Eric has always enjoyed lifting weights. Whether in the gym, bench pressing a tree while camping, or teaching his boys to be fit, Eric has always taken care of his physical body.

Eric loves his job as a member of the Utah Highway Patrol. Eric is a second generation Highway Patrol Trooper.  Much like the way Eric’s boys idolize their dad, Eric idolized his - and wanted to follow in the footsteps of his father and become a member of the Utah Highway Patrol when he was older.  Eric loves the officers he works with and is dedicated to the responsibility of protecting and serving the members and visitor of this state.

Like many families whose spouse is involved in law enforcement, Eric’s wife Janica began an internet search a few years back to find a way she could stay home and raise their boys and allow her husband time to spend with her and their boys without him having to work several jobs to support their financial needs. 

There have been many who have asked how they can help Eric and Janica at this time.  If you are looking to do any online shopping this holiday season, or throughout the year, you can go to Eric’s wife, Janica, has a blog, When you click through any link when making a purchase, this will benefit the family. Donations are also being accepted at any America First Credit Union under the name, Eric Ellsworth Charitable Account. 

The events of last Friday evening not only involved Eric, but also affected the witnesses to the accident, medical personal, the life flight team and fellow law enforcement officers. We know that this was a tragic accident that affected so many individuals. We so appreciate the love and care given to Eric from the very beginning.  We also know that this accident greatly affected the life of a young lady. Collectively as a family, we want this young lady to know of our love for her. Our prayers have been there for you and your family. We are so grateful for the immediate feeling of forgiveness and love towards you. You will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers, and ask that continued prayers, love, and concern be given to you by all who continue to pray for Eric.    

We would like to express our heartfelt appreciation to the medical staff here at the Intermountain Medical Center for the love, care, and medical treatment Eric is receiving.  We are confident he is receiving world class treatment. 

We are grateful to the Utah Highway Patrol for their care of our family. They have been at our side from the very minute this began. The support from this agency was evident from the moment the life flight helicopter landed here at the hospital. They have been there to take care of anything we have needed. We appreciate the UHP troopers from the Box Elder Section. They have developed a bond with Eric and have become his second family.  A special thank you to them for their love, care, and friendship shown to Eric.

If I could, let me take a minute to express gratitude to all officers in uniform wherever they serve.  We know the sacrifices you make every time you put on your uniform, and we now know firsthand the sacrifices made by your families. Knowing that there are inherent risks, let’s be sure that we as the public support them by during our part and not make the unnecessary become necessary. Let’s slow down and move over when we see law enforcement on the side of the road.  Let’s do our part to keep our police officers safe. We know there have been other law enforcement officers who have recently been affected by injury or tragedy. We add our faith and offer our prayers in your behalf.  

We appreciate the service given to us from the members of the Fraternal Order of Police. The next time they call and ask for a donation, they have the support of this family.  We are grateful for the love and concern shown to us by the Department of Public Safety here in the State of Utah, by Governor Herbert, and the sentiments expressed by various law enforcement agencies here in the state of Utah and throughout the country.  

We would like to express our gratitude to everyone who continues to pray for Eric. It touches our hearts to know that so many in this and other communities around the world are praying for Eric. We know that a loving and caring Heavenly Father is listening to every one of those prayers.  As a family we continue to exercise every ounce of faith we can find, and will continue to do so even after we know the mind and will of God concerning Eric.

We add our voice to those who have previously said, “Our faith is not dependant on outcomes here”.  We trust that our Heavenly Father knows us better that we know ourselves and that he has an eternal plan that helps us understand our purpose here, where we came from, and how to literally return back as families to his outstretched arms when we return home.

On behalf of Eric, Janica, the Roane and Ellsworth families, thank you. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the outpouring of love and concern, and for the faith and prayers of family, friends, and the millions of you out there of all faiths and walks of life who are pulling for Eric.

It is our hope at this time of Thanksgiving that we all find blessings to be grateful for.  There are so many blessings that are given to each of us by a loving and caring God.  It is also our hope that we can find the good in each other.  Opinions may differ from the view point of another, but there is much we can agree on including the need to love our neighbor and one another. 

An unknown author once wrote:

Wouldn’t this old world be better

If the folks we meet would say,

I know something good about you!

And then treat us just that way?

Wouldn’t it be fine and dandy

If each handclasp warm and true,

Carried with it this assurance,

I know something good about you!

Wouldn’t life be lots more happy,

If the good that’s in us all

Were the only thing about us

That folks bothered to recall?

Wouldn’t life be lots more happy,

If we praised the good we see?

For there’s such a lot of goodness

In the worst of you and me.

Wouldn’t it be nice to practice

That fine way of thinking, too?

You know something good about me,

I know something good about you.

Again, on behalf of the families, thank you for the love, prayers, and support. Thank you!

My name is Jason Moyes. I am one of eight brothers-in-law to Eric Ellsworth.  I have been asked by the family of Eric and his wife to share a statement from the family.