Intermountain Layton Hospital Outpatient Clinics to Open This Fall

The Intermountain Layton Hospital is celebrating its first phase of a two-part grand opening starting this fall. The outpatient clinics will open to patients beginning on Tuesday, September 5. The Layton Hospital will open in summer 2018 with full hospital and emergency services. 

A celebration and open house at Intermountain Layton Hospital will occur Thursday, August 24, from 6 to 8 p.m. at 201 W. Layton Parkway. The open house will highlight the specialties available and will include self-guided tours for the public.

The Layton Hospital outpatient clinics will bring together important partnerships and services to Davis County residents. The clinics will be home to: Primary Children’s Outpatient services, the Intermountain Layton Parkway Clinic, Intermountain Community Pharmacy, and additional doctor’s offices. 

Judy Williamson, Intermountain Layton Hospital Administrator, says, “We are very excited to help connect Intermountain services to the Davis County community. By partnering with Primary Children’s Hospital and the Layton Parkway Clinic we can give our patients accessible care that is coordinated alongside all our Intermountain facilities to provide a seamless healthcare experience.”

Services at the Layton Hospital outpatient clinics will include both pediatric and adult outpatient services such as:  cardiology, ear nose and throat, physical therapy, gastroenterology, and oncology among others. 

For residents like Rachelle Frederiksen and her family, the access to care close to home will be a great benefit. Her second child was born with hypoplastic left heart syndrome, or half a heart. For years the family has had to drive to Primary Children’s Hospital, an hour and a half commute both ways. 

“We are very excited about the partnership because it will give us more time in our life back,” says Rachelle. “It will only take us about 15 minutes one way to drive.”

Intermountain Layton Hospital opens its final phase next summer. The 300,000 square foot five-story building will include 43 beds, emergency services, and major hospital services with a healing environment for patients and families.  

For more information and updates about the Intermountain Layton Hospital visit