At Intermountain, we are privileged to care for the entire spectrum of humanity - including victims of violence, hatred, and discrimination

At Intermountain, we are privileged to care for the entire spectrum of humanity - including victims of violence, hatred, and discrimination. We strongly reject all forms of intolerance. I promise that Intermountain will always stay a safe place for ALL people to provide or receive care.
The killing of George Floyd is only the latest incident in a series of injustices against black men and women in our country. Those responsible must be held accountable. That’s a step, but only one step. For all forms of discrimination to end, and greater equity to truly take hold, we all must be part of the solution. 
We see racial disparities in healthcare every day, but most of us never experience them. We’ve focused on healthcare inequities by tackling the social determinants of health head-on. This is an organizational commitment from the frontlines to our leadership. Our community’s health must be measured by how we care for and treat ALL of our neighbors. It starts with mutual respect for one another and valuing one another for our differences. 
We live in communities enriched by diversity - communities that are protected by police officers. These simple facts must - and generally do - work congruently, not in conflict. Free speech, fair policing, and peaceful protests are all part of the American way of life.  Intermountain supports everyone’s right to respectfully share their views. Violence against police officers or protesters, for any reason, has no place in our communities. 
As for the broader issue of racial injustice, we have an opportunity to play a leading role in our community’s healing. By walking the walk arm-in-arm, all 41,000 of us can make a difference at the individual and collective level. We can start by listening to and truly hearing those who are hurting during this difficult time.
As always, I stand in awe of Intermountain caregivers’ humanity, skill, dedication, and innovation. Please stay safe and keep loving your neighbors. 

Statement from Marc Harrison, MD, Intermountain Healthcare president and CEO