Intermountain Healthcare to Provide Update on COVID-19 Cases and Impact on Hospitals After Long Holiday Weekend

After a long Christmas weekend, infectious disease physicians at Intermountain Healthcare prepare for a possible spike in new COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations. Experts worry people’s exposure to others could have been longer meaning a greater risk of infection. 

Experts remind people that symptoms of COVID-19 and the need for hospitalization don’t normally happen until 1-3 weeks after the initial exposure. Due to the incubation period people who may have been exposed should receive a test 5-7 days after an exposure to ensure accuracy. An infected person can test negative if they receive a test too soon after exposure.

Dr. Todd Vento, an Intermountain Healthcare infectious disease physician, will take part in a news conference to explain what hospitals could see during the next several weeks and what people should do if they believe they could have been exposed to someone with COVID-19. Dr. Vento will also take questions from the media.

11:00 am, MT, Monday, Dec. 28, 2020

Dr. Todd Vento 
Intermountain Healthcare Infectious Disease Physician

Zoom Meeting information provided to media.



Dr. Todd Vento, an Intermountain Healthcare infectious disease physician, will participate at 11am Monday, Dec 28.