Statement on the Passing of Senator Orrin Hatch

Senator Orrin Hatch at Intermountain Primary Children’s Hospital in 2016, with Marc Harrison, MD, president and CEO of Intermountain Healthcare, and Katy Welkie, CEO of Intermountain Primary Children’s Hospital and vice president of Intermountain Children’s Health.

This week, our community and our country will celebrate the life of a good friend of Utah and one of the nation’s most respected statesmen. Orrin Hatch was far more than Utah’s longest serving Senator. Longevity of public service is simply a testament to how beloved he was by people in our state. And a credit to how much he accomplished for those he served. I want to focus on just one of his many accomplishments. 
As a pediatric intensivist and someone who is passionate about children’s health, I am grateful that he helped create the Children’s Health Insurance Program. This is an important program that provides more families greater access to low-cost coverage for their children. He helped create it by rising above ideological division and working with colleagues across the political spectrum. This program and his collaborative approach to governing are an important part of his legacy. To his family and his many friends, you have my deepest condolences. 

Marc Harrison, MD
President and CEO
Intermountain Healthcare

By Marc Harrison, MD