If there is an error in your medical record, you have the right to request an amendment. Requests must be made in writing, and you will receive a response within 60 days. In some cases, additional time is needed to complete the request. You will be notified if an extension is needed.

To request an amendment to your medical record, download the PHI Amendment Request Form. Then, return your completed form via one of the following methods:

If you have questions please contact the Medical Records Request Line, at (385) 533-0440.

Frequently asked questions

What is an amendment and what should I do if I think the information in a record is inaccurate?

  • An amendment is a formal request to alter or create an addendum to a record. It is used in cases where it is not felt that the original documentation accurately reflects the condition, diagnosis, treatment, or other actions relating to health care provided to the patient. Please note that Intermountain Healthcare is unable to change health information in a document but can create an amendment to the record.
  • It is required that the request is submitted in writing.
  • Please be as specific as possible regarding information that is felt to be inaccurate, as well as why it is felt to be inaccurate, to aid in the decision-making process.
  • One or more amendment requests may be made. Each request will be considered separately.

What happens if the amendment is approved?

  • Because the original record is a legal document, the disputed wording cannot be changed, but an addendum can be attached to the record for future use.
  • Generally, notification regarding approval of the amendment request will be made within 60 days. If a decision cannot be made within 60 days, you will be notified regarding why there is a delay, and there may be a 30-day extension.
  • A copy of the amended information will be sent to you as soon as it has been completed.
  • You may request that copies of the amended record be sent to other healthcare providers or health insurers you designate. An authorization form will be sent to you with the copy of the amended information and must be sent back within the designated timeframe.

Why would the amendment request be denied?

  • If it is determined that an Intermountain Healthcare employee or healthcare provider did not create the disputed information, an amendment to the record cannot be done.
  • The disputed information is in a record that is never used to make healthcare treatment decisions or payment decisions.
  • The information may be a record that the Federal law indicates is not available for you to amend.
  • The author of the information believes the record is accurate and complete as it was originally documented.

What happens if the amendment request is denied?

  • Generally, notification regarding denial of the amendment request will be made within 60 days. If a decision cannot be made within 60 days, you will be notified regarding why there is a delay, and there may be a 30-day extension.
  • A letter will be sent with an explanation of why the amendment request was denied.
  • You will be provided with information regarding where a complaint can be made, both at Intermountain Healthcare and the Federal agency that handles these complaints.
  • You will have one of three options:
    • Option 1: Do nothing.
    • Option 2: You can request that a copy of a summary of your amendment request and Intermountain Healthcare's response be sent every time a copy of the disputed information is released.
    • Option 3: You can submit a written statement of disagreement.
  • If a written statement of disagreement is submitted, it will be scanned into the medical record and maintained with the information in question. It will be released any time the information in question is released.