Intermountain Specialty Pharmacy Services provides comprehensive pharmacy and medication assistance for patients with complex conditions and chronic diseases. Specialty medications often require additional support, education and instruction, which can be overwhelming and complicated. Thankfully, our team is here to make specialty prescriptions easier and more manageable.

The Specialty Pharmacy is a valuable resource for patients with conditions and diseases such as Crohn's disease, cystic fibrosis, Hepatitis B and C, HIV/AIDS, psoriasis, pulmonary hypertension, schizophrenia, and several other complex conditions that can benefit from new and uncommon prescriptions or biologics.

Specialty Pharmacy Support and Services

  • Education and support from knowledgeable pharmacists
  • 24-hour pharmacist access
  • Friendly refill reminder calls
  • Free medication delivery
  • Help with prior authorizations
  • Financial assistance investigation
  • Flexible payment and financing options
man on the phone

Rx and Medication

Find a list of services we provide at the Specialty Pharmacy.


Conditions and Complex Disease States Treated

Find a list of disease states that our specialty pharmacy serves.


Contact Us

Contact the Intermountain Specialty Pharmacy by phone, email, or by filling out a form.