In this Article

Stork Savers Program

Intermountain Healthcare is proud to offer options that help un-insured families in our community access high quality maternity services at a low, fixed price. The Stork Savers Program was designed for our self-pay families who meet low-risk birthing criteria. It is currently available to families who deliver at any Intermountain hospital.

Stork Savers Pricing

Uncomplicated Vaginal Delivery
24 hours Postpartum Stay

No Epidural

Mom and Baby - $4,050 (Mom $2,900, Baby $1,150)

With Epidural

Mom and Baby - $4,500 (Mom $3,350, Baby $1,150)

This is a self-pay, pre-pay program for hospital costs only and oes not cover the professional fees charged by doctors or other providers for your care. Hospital charges Include: Time, supplies, newborn vaccinations and nursing care in labor & delivery, maternity and well-baby nursery.

Because it’s important for you to know what to expect and feel prepared, an online prenatal class is included in our Stork Saver program. Once registered, you will receive an email link with access instructions for this course in addition to a list of other education opportunities designed to help support you in your special day.

Qualifying for Stork Savers

In order to qualify, you must:

  • Establish prenatal care with an OB provider (Doctor or Certified Nurse Midwife) prior to delivery
  • Be a low-risk pregnancy (e.g. you are having a single baby, reach 37 weeks or greater before labor (Does not cover labor or medical admissions prior to 37 weeks gestation), or no previous uterine surgery.)
  • Plan on a 24-hour postpartum stay
  • Have all newborn screening tests completed before discharge
  • Set up an appointment and meet with your pediatrician within 48 hours of discharge.

Complications that arise prior to or during labor and delivery may make you ineligible for the Stork Savers program. Should this happen, all payments already made will be deducted from your final bill, and our eligibility counselor will work with you to determine the best alternate payment option for you, such as a 40% discount option or application for financial assistance programs.

Stork Savers Does Not Include

  • Provider (Doctor, Nurse Midwife, etc.) fees: Providers bill separately from the hospital. Talk to your provider about prenatal care options.
  • Antepartum care prior to being admitted and giving birth (i.e ultrasound procedures, pre-term procedures, triage and/or hospitalization).
  • Postpartum care after discharge.
  • Provider charges for epidural anesthesia (additional charge will be billed separately by the anesthesiologist. If you need more information about epidural anesthesia, please talk to your primary care provider.)
  • Physician fees for male infant circumcision. Talk to your pediatric provider to discuss circumcision options outside the hospital
  • Additional procedures that are not part of a normal, vaginal birth – such as tubal ligation: You can still use the Stork Savers for delivery, but these additional procedures will be added to the package price.

Payment Process

Once your provider has determined that you meet the criteria for participation, you will work with your personal liaison to complete all the necessary forms and set up a payment plan.

  • You may make payments to your account at any time during your pregnancy. However, the applicable Stork Savers rate must be paid in full by 37 weeks.
  • After normal business hours payments can be made in the Emergency Department.

To Sign Up

Please call 833-833-0560 for more information or send an email request with your phone number to for more information. Our Stork Saver Liaison will call you back directly to review eligibility, answer questions and assist you for enrollment.


I understand this is a self-pay discount program for low risk vaginal deliveries. What happens if I need additional care?

Sometimes, what starts as low risk can require additional interventions or emergent actions. The safety of you and your baby is our number one priority. If there is a need for medically necessary intervention, we will talk with you and discuss the options.

If you need a C-section or otherwise “risk out,” you would become ineligible for the fixed Stork Savers price.

What could cause me to “risk out” and what happens if I do?

Risk criteria that would cancel your eligibility could include but are not limited to:

Maternal Risks:

  • Pre-term labor
  • Delivery before 37.0 weeks
  • Prolonged rupture of membranes
  • Unstable vital signs
  • Labor complications
  • Assisted delivery or C-Section
  • Prolonged postpartum stay

Newborn Risks:

  • Unstable vital signs
  • Jaundice
  • Small for gestational age
  • Early Lung Recruitment
  • Abnormal feeding or glucose levels
  • Jittery, inconsolable

Should complications arise and you or your baby “risk-out” during your stay, our Intermountain Eligibility Counselors will talk with you after your delivery to discuss alternate payment options, including but not limited to: a 40% discount option or application for financial assistance programs.

If I deliver at 2:00 in the morning does that mean I must be discharged at 2:00 the next day?

Your safety and security is our top priority. For moms that deliver in the middle of the night, we will arrange to collect your discharge orders and complete your discharge teaching the night before in preparation for a discharge by 9:00 the next morning.

What happens if I’m well enough to go home but my baby needs to stay longer?

Our goal is to keep families and babies together. Should circumstances permit, you will be officially discharged, and arrangements can be made for you to room in with your baby at no additional cost for up to 48 hours on the postpartum unit.

Will Stork Savers cover the cost for my pediatrician?

No. Care Providers (including Physician, Certified Nurse Midwife, and Pediatrician, as well as the Anesthesiologist (if you have an epidural), radiologist, pathologist etc.) bill separately. You will receive different statements for their services.